Disclaimer & Imprint

Who we are …

The Oregon Alumni Association e. V. (OAA) is a volunteer association based in Germany. Its main purpose is to promote international understanding by maintaining and extending the network of former and future exchange students between the states of Oregon (OR), USA and Baden-Württemberg (BW), Germany.

The volunteer association has focused on maintaining the spirit derived from the experiences of studying abroad. Those experiences – many temporary expatriates will share this view – have formed and shaped the lives of many.

The OAA supports the Oregon Study Center which is the official operator of the Oregon-Baden-Württemberg exchange program.


The goals of the OAA cover four areas:

¨ Support of the Oregon-Baden-Württemberg exchange program

¨ Expanding and maintaining a network of former and future exchange students

¨ Assisting exchange students from Oregon and Baden-Württemberg with information, contacts, and providing assistance at their host universities and cities

¨ Organizing meetings and events that foster international understanding and help maintain contact between exchange students and friends of Oregon and Baden-Württemberg




© OAA, 2015